Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ashtanga - Week 4

Beginner Ashtanga was no cake walk this week. (I can't believe I've waited four days to recap!) Mostly due to the introduction of Chaturanga.

We added Chaturanga and Up Dog into both of the sun salutations. I almost felt like Suryanamaskara A needed a little challenge in there, so I was happy to add Chaturanga. Added to Suyanamaskara B, however, the series of poses starts to feel a little packed. This was a much appreciated addition. After five of each sun salutation, I already felt a little flushed. 

The movement from Chaturanga into Up Dog and then into Down Dog is lovely. It feels like a full-body stretch. This is more the feeling that I expected to get from taking a yoga series of classes. I can definitely see how these movements are core-strengthening. (Up Dog did hurt my feet though since I currently have a really deep bruise on the side and top of my right foot from so many foot locks in aerial silks lately!)

This week we also heard a little more about philosophy, such as ahimsa, which is the practicing of non-violence (verbal and physical). We continued to talk about mula bandha, the root lock, which is found on the pelvic floor. I am thankful that our instructor is kind of silly and can talk about stopping the flow of urine and anal sphincters and finding the place in between in a way that takes the idea seriously but keeps it accessible. (He also dropped an F-bomb in class. I'm a fan.)

While I took this yoga class hoping to gain a better understanding of breathing, flow, flexibility, and strength, I love the philosophy side as well. I've been slowly reading Mindfulness: In Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana in between other reading, and while it's not specific to yoga or Ashtanga, it's very relatable. 

This morning I went through the sun salutations (with Chaturanga and Up Dog) and the standing poses.  I think I'll be making this my pre-breakfast morning routine. 

I borrowed a book from the library to assist with at-home practice. It's called Ashtanga Yoga: The Complete Mind and Body Workout by Juliet Pegrum. (The studio I've been going to recommends this practice manual, which I will probably purchase eventually, but it wasn't at the library.) I referenced it for all of the standing poses this morning. 

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