Monday, February 11, 2013

An Evening of Aerial Arts

We had a packed aerial class tonight with a total of 7 students. Four of the women were new, so they worked solely on silks, switching off between two of the silks in the room. The other three of us rotated between using the silks, lyra, and corde lisse. While I am pretty sure that I will always prefer the silks, I don't mind the other apparatuses as much these days.

My thighs and hips are still all black and blue from the Star Drop last week, so I opted out of trying the Double Star Drop that our instructor went over this week. (I did get some iron supplements this weekend, so hopefully soon I just won't be getting bruised so much.) I practiced the Georgia Twist some more and tried to keep my legs straight in a cross-back straddle. It was a rare opportunity to be the person that can help others learn a new move. ;)

This video is pretty good for showing how the Georgia Twist works. I prefer the last way that he does it, where you move into and out of a sit.

(It's really difficult to find silks videos since so many of the moves are called by multiples names and most videos contain multiple tricks. I feel lucky that I'm finding almost everything that I'm looking for this time!)

We also worked on the Bicycle Climb on the corde lisse, which isn't bad at all. It's almost easier because the silks don't get tangled around the feet. (Video link is obviously on the silks.)

I spent the rest of the class working on the Layback on the lyra and the Crochet Climb on the silks. I found a good Crochet Climb tutorial. I still need to work on getting my unwrapped leg straight and stretched on the Crochet Climb. I keep bending and not getting enough height.

Thursday is the first time I'll get to try to the February choreography at Flow. I hope I'm not too far behind already!

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