Monday, February 18, 2013

A Very Full Aerial Practice

Aerial tonight had a full eight people in it. It had been a complete seven days since I had been to class and two weeks since I bruised myself so badly with the Angel Drop. I did get iron supplements and have been taking them for a week. Hopefully it will help prevent new bruises in the future.

The other students were two women that I see frequently, one that I have seen before, three newbies, and a child. The only other time there were children in my class, I was really uncomfortable about it. However, since we were so full and I was grouped with the others who come regularly, it was fine. (I probably sound like a giant jerk saying that, but I just feel weird about it.)

I did do one Angel Drop. One was enough. It hurt so bad. I'm probably tensing up and making it worse, but I still feel like there's no sense in doing a trick that is painful and not fun. I will continue to try it here and there but if it doesn't get better (lots of things in aerial weirdly do just stop hurting) I think I can just do without the drop in my life. No exterior signs of bruising on the thigh yet, but it feels like it's there.

I briefly worked on the Layback on the lyra and did some warm up chin ups on it. I almost felt like I could let go of my hands... but didn't.

We also worked on a stylized Russian Climb with a Sit, which was fun and relevant to my wish to get better at Flow. The fancy climb switched off with an invert to a knee hook to a split by wrapping the silk around the waist and the opposite foot. I liked this one, too. And my split definitely needs all the help it can get.

Other things I worked on briefly were the Georgia Twist and the foot lock to arabesque to middle invert/split/j-pose/sit/lotus hang that I love from January's flow choreography. One of the newer students told me that I was graceful and made the middle split invert look effortless. I almost died of disbelief.

At the end of class I remembered several other things that I wanted to work on. I'm listing them here in hopes that I will remember: Crochet Climb, Superman, Scorpion.

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