I went to a spinning class again with the same friend this morning. I'm a definitely a big fan of an early morning workout on a weekend because it makes me get up and be productive. (But I will also admit that I have taken an afternoon nap during Spin days.)
I'm not sure if it's because I knew what to expect or just the different routine, but this class was definitely easier than the first one I attended. I was able to keep a much more consistent, fast pace through the class instead of constantly adding and decreasing resistance. We also didn't do the "jumps" (moving through each of the 3 positions for 5 seconds intervals for 4 minutes), which I had really liked. We were in position three frequently, though, which is the standing position that almost feels like running. This is my favorite because I can feel my abs working.
I also noticed a difference in my breathing. I think not getting winded is what enabled me to stay consistent.
Yesterday I did an at-home work out, mostly focusing on arms after a warm up on our elliptical. I've been trying to get better about doing a chin up or pull up every time I walk by our doorway bar, so I did a few reps there. I also did butterfly presses with weights, push ups, and lat pulls on this ancient machine that we have.
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