Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ashtanga Yoga - Week 2

The second class in the Beginning Ashtanga series was last night. I'm already regretting not taking the time to reflect on it last night when I got home from class.

I was trying to find some visuals to aid in my explanations. I did find some good ones, which I've linked below.

We repeated Suryanamaskara A and B (the sun salutations from last week) several times (each one 5x is the standard) and then learned the Fundamental Asanas shown in the screenshot below. I felt pretty comfortable doings all of these. 

A few other good charts that seem pretty reflective of what we've been doing are here and here

We went over a lot of anatomy and physiology type information, but I don't recall learning any of these names. (So either we didn't learn these or my memory is mush.) Nor do I recall them being referred to as Fundamental Asanas. I'm just taking that terminology from the chart.

Then we also approached the last 3 poses of the finishing sequence.

This screenshot is also from Ashtanga Yoga Victoria.

I also felt comfortable with the closing postures. However, looking ahead at these charts, I think things will not be so easy from now on.

In every class, we have 3-4 teachers-in-training to assist. Throughout the class, I was approached by one or another of them a couple of times for pointers. Of course, I understand that they are to help and the little things will make a big difference in how effective each move is, but it was a little startling because they are unintentionally sneaky. I'm going to have to remember to be mindful of them so that I'm not surprised when I feel a touch even though the voice I'm listening to sounds like it's on the other side of the room.

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